
Wire Payments Menlo College

Wire Instructions

Dear student, Below is Menlo College’s bank information to be used for sending in wire payments to Menlo College.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to include student ID (listed on Menlo ID card) AND student name on the wire transfer.

Beneficiary Name:                            Menlo College

Beneficiary Account:                         704038006

Beneficiary Address:                         1000 El Camino Real Atherton CA 94027

Beneficiary Bank Name:                    Bank of San Francisco

Beneficiary Bank Address:                 345 California Street, Suite 1600 San Francisco, CA 94104

Beneficiary ABA Number:                  121044055

For International Wire Transfers, please add the following:

Intermediary Bank Name:                 Pacific Coast Banker’s Bank

Intermediary SWIFT Code:                PCBBUS66

Intermediary ABA Number:               121042484

Intermediary Bank Address:              1676 N. California Blvd, Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94596


If you have questions please contact Student Accounts Office: Tel: 650-543-3781 Fax: 650-543-4117 Email: